If you've been in a car accident in Kirkwood, you're likely bombarded by a range of concerns and questions, and you're probably wondering if you should get a Missouri personal injury attorney involved.

There are some instances in which you may not need the services of a Missouri personal injury attorney to address and settle your car accident claim, but it's advisable to consult with a lawyer about whether or not your particular case can be handled without one.

A car accident in Kirkwood that can be settled without an attorney typically has the following qualities: 
  • no serious injuries result from the accident;
  • all parties generally agree or accept who was at fault;
  • the damages being claimed equal a relatively small amount (less than $10,000); and
  • the at-fault party has sufficient insurance coverage

On the other hand, if your claim for a car accident in Kirkwood involves serious injuries and hefty damages, contact a Missouri personal injury attorney for an evaluation of your case.

Your Missouri personal injury attorney knows what the burden of proving fault is, which documents you'll need, how to negotiate with the insurance adjuster and what types of compensation you may be entitled to after your car accident in Kirkwood.

Remember, even if you choose not to secure legal representation, you can always schedule a consultation with a Missouri personal injury attorney after the insurance company has offered you a settlement. If you're unsure about the amount offered, speak with a car accident lawyer who can advise you about the appropriateness of your settlement offer.

Contacting a Missouri Personal Injury

When a car accident in Kirkwood has a profound impact on your life, you may choose to seek compensation through a Missouri personal injury claim. With a Missouri personal injury attorney on your side, you can feel confident knowing your case is in good hands, while you focus on your recovery and getting your life back on track. To get started with determining if you have a viable case, contact the Missouri personal injury attorney team at Bollwerk & Tatlow, LLC. - 314-315-8111.